Jokes1 min ago
Cleaning up a dusty question
By Tom Gard
THERE has been an amazing range of questions and answers on the Homes and Gardens channel this week. Heres a look at some of the best of this week's batch.
'Why is fluff in my home and office always blue/grey.... '
Beeker wanted to know. Thanks to Bigbank for an excellent answer, which it seems lies with us humans.
Apparently the majority of household dust, which gets attached to fibres that make up fluff is actually dead human skin. It is a translucent blue/grey in colour, because it is the outer layer of skin which is not coloured by our natural pigments. Click here to read Bigbank's answer in full.
'What has caused my indoor lime plant to go bald.... '
asks Wendy. Despite a regular feed with an appropriate fertilizer her lime has shed all its leaves this winter.
House plant problems have been a regular theme over the past few month's and Compo came up with a checklist of potential causes, including a cold draft, not enough warmth or over watering. If you've got any further light to shed, click here.
'Where can I sell my diamond jewellery.... '
Grasshopper wanted to know. Apparently, if it is not antique, jewellers don't really want to know.
Jbeputnam suggested taking a chance on one of the many on-line auction sites or free ads as a simple and cheap way of selling. Click here to see the recommendations.
'What makes a house a stately home.... '
was what riley wanted to know. Compo was on hand again with a definition. It seems it is not a case of official status, but a stately home should be large, with historic interest and, most importantly, still a home, which disqualifies public buildings. If you beg to differ or have anything to add, click here.
'How can you heat a large indoor space like a renovated chapel.. '
was the question exercising Larsson, who went on to explain the ceilings were 15-20ft high.
Ollie came up with two solutions, one temporary and one permanent. If the heating was required while work was in progress on the building then a hired industrial fan heater would do the job, although the amount of energy they use would make it an expensive option of anything other than a short period.
If it is a case of heating a living space, a plumber should be able to work out the exact number of radiators needed and the size of boiler required to power them. Click here to see Ollie's answer.
If you have any questions to ask on homes and gardens, click here