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old vouchers for a gift...would it bother you?

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joko | 17:21 Sat 07th May 2011 | How it Works
42 Answers
I have some M&S vouvhers that i intended to give as a wedding gift to someone - they are ones my bro gave me years ago that i never used - however - having looked a bit closer at them they are clearly not new or fresh and have fold marks where i have folded it into quarters and put in my purse - but obviously not spent....

Ive ironed them, but its still visible...they are not falling apart or anything and now look cripser...but its clear there are creases if you look..

i suppose some may not even notice or occur to them

but how would you feel if you got them as a present?
would you be offended? would you not care? would you cosider them 'just currency' and like a used note?

part of me thinks a gift is a gift, if they are arsed then they are ungrateful...but still...

they also know i am not working at the moment so dont have a lot of spare cash...
i could just put a £10 in a card but to be honest at the moment i could do with keeping the cash really...

what do you think?



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sara, only just found the vouchers - i have never had need for them and i know the bride loves M&S so thought shed like them...
Buy something with the vouchers, then return the item and say you'll accept vouchers. Then you'd have some new vouchers to give.
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i agree joeluke - i think its a bit weird - an so would prefer to give the vouchers - feels more like a proper gift

but they want cash or (new) vouchers...
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its too late factor...ill just go with the original plan and give cash
I agree with Postdog. If that is the best you can do, then I would not bother at all.
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mick - yeh you're right mick - i just wont give a gift at all eh?

...from past posts your opinion means nothing to me.

thanks to everyone who answered like normal people
joko, the wedding is tomorrow and most people don't think it's the best idea. there was no need to be rude.

what are your options?
I would not mind vouchers, but these are ones your brother gave you. You didn't pay for them, so cheeky don't you think.
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sara - if you look people are being rude to me...i asked a simple question...i have an answer now...i dont need abuse and insults...i just wanted a general consensus

as i said i will go with the original plan and give cash - which is what they asked for...
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not really, vouchers are vouchers - what difference does it make how i acquired them?...they wouldnt know my brother gave me them..

many have said use it to buy a gift - would that make the gift cheeky too? after all i dint 'pay' for it...
you really make me laugh joko, if someone gives an opinion that you don't like, you get very rude. I would rather not receive anything than receive some tatty vouchers.
A sentiment shared by a few people, from what i have read.
well that wouldn't be an obvious re-gift, in my opinion.
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ive been given old vouchers myself - one in terrible state - i didnt care and just went and spent it...i know others who have done it.

it seems a mixed bag of opinion and possibly depends on the person receiving it

i was not asking to try an get out of getting them anything - just wondering if to make use to something to people who will make use of the vouchers...
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mick - you did not just give an opinion - you were rude to me - dont deny it

i asked a simple question - i dont need your nastiness...
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and i wouldnt have even considerded it if they were tatty - they have a barely visible fold mark but are crisp - had you bothered to read the post
Shop Gift Vouchers normally come in a gift card from the shop, so if you just put the vouchers in a wedding card, they may guess they have been recycled.

Personally, I couldn't do it.

My sister-in-law put her Freeman's catalogue commission cheque in our wedding card (still in her name) - I won't repeat what I said about her.....(:o(
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anyway, decision made, cash it is

thanks all for your answers....i am off to the pub...(i wonder if they'll take vouchers...;o))
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blimey den - is that like a wage slip cheque? now thats weird...
*but how would you feel if you got them as a present?
would you be offended? would you not care? would you cosider them 'just currency' and like a used note?*

Joko, I have read this thread twice now and I cannot see where anyone has said anything that didn't answer your question ^^ up one has been rude to you.!

Personally, If I knew someone well enough to invite them to my wedding I would think I would know them well enough to know their situation. I wouldn't be offended....I also wouldn't be offended if I got nothing.
Why not then, give them cash but offer them the vouchers too if you are not going to use them? Explain you had them and ask if they could use them. That way you don't look like you're being cheap - you are being honest and upfront, but you are giving them the cash that you'd be giving them anyway and someone gets the use of the vouchers.

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