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Windows ID number

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jane mark 2 | 14:40 Tue 21st Feb 2012 | How it Works
8 Answers
I have no note of my windows ID number, how can I find it please. J.


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If you mean the license key, it will be on a sticker on the computer somewhere.

(and if you don't have the sticker then you don't have a licensed copy of windows)
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Many thanks for help. I know I have one, so I am starting searching. J.
>>>and if you don't have the sticker then you don't have a licensed copy of windows

Well I have built a number of PCs and bought the OEM versions of Windows but never stuck the sticker on my PC so it is not totally true to say that.

If a PC was bought off a company like Dell or HP then it should have a sticker, and if you bought it from a local PC builder it should also have a sticker, but there are probably many PCs around with NO sticker, but their Windows is still legal.
"Well I have built a number of PCs and bought the OEM versions of Windows but never stuck the sticker on my PC so it is not totally true to say that."

You've broken the license terms for supplying OEM versions of windows then.
So what exactly does OEM stand for?
'Original Equipment Manufacturer', Ratter.

Many Microsoft products are freely sold as 'OEM editions'. They're intended solely for use by computer manufacturers, to be bundled with the new computer. Use by anyone else is a breach of the licence terms but I'd be prepared to bet that far more OEM software (compared to 'full' software) is sold to private individuals.
Jane Mark 2:
The Windows product key is stored, in encrypted form, within your computer's registry. There are lots of free programs which can reveal it to you:
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Thank you for all the helpful replies. J.

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Windows ID number

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