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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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I have got a little writing box but it was only one of those ones from Past Times who I don't think exist anymore .But it's very dinky with a bit for pens and stamps etc .
Ooh yes .. I like a nice jewellry box too Robinia .I still have the one Mr.S bought me many years ago .It's got a box inside you can take out and use for travelling .
I often use it when travelling about for my tiaras :)
Recently there was a really lovely one in the YMCA charity shop window ,all lovely little drawers and things : I looked at it and thought I'd get it on my way back and lo and behold it was gone !
I still have mum's old shortbread tin (all rusty) full of her sewing things which have come in extremely handy. There is beautifully carved etui with some really old rusty needles, it's about 3" long, and in the tin there are rolls of lace and pink satin ribbon, but have used most of the other stuff up over the last 24yrs.
I also love stationery shops, but paying in WH Smiths is an absolutel nightmare so I try not too. And don't get me started on the price of pencil sharpeners (the ones in the £ shop were useless!) For xmas as kids we always got one of those very pretty cardboard stationery sets, pretty paper and envelopes, used it all up on thank you letters :-(
They still do those stationery sets in The Works Neti .I bought one recently .
I've used all the paper writing two letters.
They must think people write short letters as to the ratio of paper to envelopes ..I do tend to ramble on though :)
I am a Paperchase addict, their sales are phenomenal
Just watched my soaps; off for more Philip Glenister now oooh!!

Oight oight all sleep tight.
Oh ..that's what happened to them then Jno .They used to have nice little things for gifts etc. I've got a little bookmark that you sort of clip over the page that someone bought me from Past Times .
It's been a really non day here .I wish the weather would brighten up .Still musn't grumble really looking at the horrendous floods in India and Canada .At least we don't have to cope with that sort of devastation.
Oight Oight lovelies ..sleep toight .
I've just found the very same bookmark lying on the floor, shaney, I wonder how long it's been there... since 1066 probably. It's nice.
Good morning!

My sister and I loved Past Times, bought lots of things there, I have a very nice watch and I bought my older sister a lovely book all about things in our childhood, toys and food and comics etc, really good it was. I do miss the place.

Just found a family of baby kittens living in our jungle, so sweet but Mr N is furious, as there are just too many feral cats about now, will get in touch with the local cat charity and they will take them and find them homes or foster homes, they are very good. It may at least make Mr N clean up the land a bit. Hija came home at 1.15 after work and made a huge fuss getting showered and dressed up and going out, so I was very surprised to find her tucked up in her bed at 8am this morning, Mr N says she came in at 3.30 so hardly worth going out in the first place.

No lottery win for me, will have another go for Tuesday.
Good morning all, no I am not a millionaire either. Shughy had another weather panic this morning. It seems to be triggered by falling air pressure. Anyway he has worn himself out poor soul. I am supposed to be going out to lunch today at the local armed forces day but may not make it if the weather stays so changeable, also I have some deliveries coming.
the nights are drawing in... fine by me, less time to stare at damp grey skies. Never mind, I am orff to sunnier climes next week. What have we had this year, about three sunny weeks (April and May) and halfway through the year already. Grrr.
Where you off too then jno? Is it Ibiza, cos I can give you a shopping list?????
looks like my lunch is off, no sign of deliveries and Shughy still upset.
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Morning all...'mustn't grumble'?...maybe not but I will anyway. I fed up. Blustery enough to blow your hainet off, chilly and now raining, I just made it back from the shops in time...and I reeeeally fed up of the local shops too. I do not want to buy 2, 3 or 4 of everything in a giant size jar/packet/punnet in order to save a bob or two....grrrr.
amen and out.
Calm down biddies, you'll do yourselves damage. It's a glorious day, hot but breezy,, have been in the pool, it was cold to start but then wonderful, off to make meatballs now.
having a fed up day here too. delivery hasn't arrived. O2 are fooling around over moving my number to my new phone and my poor dog is still unhappy.
I fed up too. haha....Hello all ,hope you are all Ok .Hope the woofer settles soon Woofy .I know all about air pressure and humidity ,at least my joints do :)
It's dull and dreary again ,blowing a gale and threatening to rain .I don't blame you Jno for wanting to get away to some sunshine .We don't seem to be having any summer at all.
Lol Robinia ..I often feel like telling them to bog off with their bogofs.
They are both flaked out asleep now. I might actually manage to go and get dressed in a minute.
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well be prepared woofy, it's a super(full)moon tonight... and tomorrow night really... it's actually full tomorrow just after noon. I might do some howling myself.

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