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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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have to tell you this, the other day a 50yr german man caught his thing in a sex toy ring, and he had to go to the hospital where the surgeons had to call in the firemen to cut it off, he was knocked so he wouldn't move. Well hija's friend was a policeman and I'm, not saying that's where it came from, but there is a photo of it going round here, and without being too explicit, I thought his jewels were hidden in a deep purple velvet bag, but she explained today that that was the swelling and the colour of this jewels. Couldn't believe it, until I enlarged it! Poor man.
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oh lawdy..apparently such 'accidents' aren't rare.
mmmm, try getting into conversation with the A and E department in any big city...but be sure you have a strong stomach.
oh, have I missed something or other while I was sitting in the sun at the surgery? All hints gratefully received.

Anyway, I've got some quinine tablets form my cramped toes and apparently the blood test I put off for months while I was coughing was fine, my cholesterol was 3.9 which apparently is good, and I am a sunny bunny.

I think we are visiting leafy Kent tomorrow to congratulate jno jnr and gf and take them out to dinner. I expect the subject fo wedding (and Who Pays) will be touched on, but for all I know it won't be until the 2020s some time.
Well done jno, maybe I'll get some quinine tablets.
Oh blimey, Masood's been to the same hairdressers as me!!!!
bedtime here and its warm again...oight oight
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Morning tout le monde...have you got your fans on high speed? I flung/flinged/flang the windows open first thing to let in the cool morning air and there wasn't any. :o/Stay cool everyone.... have a good day in leafy Kent jno, and well done with the tests.

I know woofy I watch those A&E documentaries and apparently 'lost items' are quite common....ewwww. I bet they'll be busy this weekend with hot weather related incidents.
good morning all. We are having a quiet start to the day after a hot night.
Morning all
Nice and sunny and warming up.Hope you are all ok today .
Well done on your NHS tour Jno .
Keep cool Biddies and enjoy the lovely weather .
Morning all biddies, you are all up early!!

Been for my xray, there was a lovely Japanese girl girl who arrived on the island from Japan yesterday, she'd saved up for years for this holiday, and she tottered about on ridiculous heels, went over and smashed her shoulder, she was on a trolley waiting for an xray too. She was so upset and in pain. Now I wonder why she was at the NH hospital and not the private one? She surely had private insurance, didn't like to pry too much! She showed me her nails they were so beautifully decorated the likes of which I have never seen. Poor girl.

Then we went out for brekkie and did the shopping, home now and all unpacked. Not going out as it is very overcast (relief) but very humid, so am back on the bed with the fan whirling round and round and round.

On the way back we were surprised to see a normal car dashing past with a siren noise and then a blue light popped up on the roof, so an undercover police car. Then further on we saw that it had stopped a van with british number plates, as they were obviously doing illegal taxi runs from the airport. They are trying to clamp down on these illegal taxis. That's my bit of excitement for the day and quite enough thank you.

I have actually bought a ready-made ham and cheese (jamon y queso) flan for dinner, hope it's OK or I'll never hear the last of it!

Not doing much today at all, really unpleasantly humid now. I forgot my eyedrops in the rush this am and the jolly old eye was playing up no end, running and red and swollen, looks like I've been asobbing and I aint!

Have a nice day jno, hugs to the juniors !
Waves to jude, so she knows that we have remembered where she is!
Neti, don't fool around with your eye, do the drops!!
There are a lot of unmarked cars around here, the hidden lights are inset behind the radiator grille, all darkish metallic colours...occasionally they ruin the surprise though because there will be a uniformed officer driving lol.
We don't usually have unmarked Police cars, there was one in the 70's but we all knew the car and the driver (who was invariably in the bar getting pi**ed) so avoided him.
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Oh our police like you to know they're around, flourescent colours, stripes, battenburg, the lot...all lit up like a Blackpool tram. And the speed!

I'm not speeding anywhere, it's 27C here already...
27º? winter weather!
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Behave... on accuweather it says we are real feel 30C and bifa's only a couple of degrees hotter.
I don't think the family will mind me sharing this pic now that everyone's seen baby sweet is he?! Caught just as he lifted his head up
totally sweet Robi...he looks like he is beginning to focus.
Far too hot for me. Just been speaking to friend in Mercia and it is 40 there, so glad I am here.

He is just so sweet Robi. He has a cheeky look already!!!

It is a day for doing nothing, so that is what I am doing.............

Robi, he looks so totally cute, and so aware, what a sweetie.

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