Sonia, i am sorry to read that your nose is causing you some issues with your self-confidence.
As i am sure you already know, without surgery, there is littrle you can do yto alter your physical appearence.
All you can alter, is your perception of the way you appear.
Anyone who seriously makes a judgement about you based on your appearence is too shalow to bother with.
That leaves the majority of people who do not see you in terms of who you are, and not what you look like.
The vast majority of people carry around insecurities based on what they perceive as a physical imperfection that is the first and nost noticeable feature people pbserve when they see them.
The truth is, people take very littke notice of features - and they form an opinion based on personality. I have known serious beautiful women who are so vile i would not spend a moment in their company, and other women who have not been sprayed with evolution's cologne who are warm, witty and wonderful.
For the record, the present Mrs Hughes proffers a proboscis that can be dsecribed as aquilline - I think it makes her beautiful. I myself resemble the kove-child of Paul McKenna and Loyd Grossman, so i hardly think Johnny Depp loses sleep about me, but I am a good person with witty conversation and a caring soul, so I accept what I cannot change, and work to improve what I can.
Gorgeous women are the minority - with a different set of problems and issues to live with - be glad to be you, and don't worry, other people are glad you are you too.