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Standing Charge On Utilities?

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divegirl | 08:51 Mon 11th Mar 2013 | How it Works
8 Answers
Good Morning.
I'm pretty sure I heard someone [a caller] on LBC the other day saying that the government had blocked companies from using a standing charge on their meters some years ago.
Does anyone know if this is true or false?

Lisa x


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Don't think so. I have what is in effect a 'standing charge' as I pay a higher rate on the first X units and a lower rate thereafter- and since I am always bound to exceed the X figure I regard the resultant charge as a standing charge
There was a petition up to Nov last year to get them abolished so don't think it has happened yet
On my water bill it actually says 'standing charge', so I don't think they can have been blocked.
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Oh well! It says it on mine too Tilly but I could have sworn thats what the said.

Thanks for your answers.

Lisa x
They were referring, I think, to the daily charge on a payment meter -one that you get money on a key and put it in the meter -its pennies a day even if there is no one living in the property it still accrues. As far as I know its still being charged as we recently acquired a house that had over £100 debt on the key meter from standing charges as the house had been empty for 18 months.
I've always felt fixed charges should be considered part of a company's overheads and covered in the unit price, but few are keen to be so fair when a fixed part to the bill reflects the costs to them.
A friend of mine owns and rents out a block of flats. There's a gas meter for the properties, but they happen to be all-electric, with none of them connected to the gas supply. The gas company is demanding a large fixed rate charge for its meter!
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Just plain greed really. I suppose we should be used to it by now.

Lisa x

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