Blocked Soakaway in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Blocked Soakaway

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Rhianfa | 23:54 Fri 12th Apr 2013 | DIY
3 Answers
My property has a septic tank that needs emptying more and more frequently. Does this mean the soakaway is blocked?

If so, is there any way to unblock it please?

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While this link goes to a commercial site, the page does seem to have been written by someone who 'really knows their onions', so it might be useful to you:
Good link by Chris. Tells you all you need to know.

Do you know how old the system is?
It'll give an idea as to the type of soakaway you have.
It could be nothing more than the huge amount of rain we've had in the last year, coupled with a high water table.
Septic tanks (as distinct from cess pits) work by digesting the bacteria and allowing the waste water to migrate into the soil through a fan-shaped outlet system.
In a community that I work with, the village hall is on a septic tank and for the first time in living memory (over 50 years) the septic tank system filled to the top during winter. It has never, ever had to be emptied before. The water going through it is predominantly roof soakaway water.

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Blocked Soakaway

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