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Consequences Of Vegetarianism

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hc4361 | 13:09 Fri 20th Feb 2015 | How it Works
23 Answers
If the whole world were to become vegetarian what would be the consequences?
Would milk, cheese, cream, butter, eggs be much more expensive?
Where would the meat for pet food come from?
Could we afford to wear wool and leather?
Babies formula milk - would that be expensive?

A lot of animal products are used in cosmetics, perfume, Guinness and other beers, wine, plastics such as plastic bags, detergents, sugar refining, crayons, food colourings, some condoms.....

I'm not interested in the advantages/disadvantages to one's health.


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I imagine we'd need a load more cows to provide milk for the increased dairy consumption, that would mean more of the ozone layer being in peril due to the cows farting. Other sources of protein would be needed, what would that be, nuts? We'd have to turn large spaces over to nut trees/plants, or whatever they grow on. I suppose they could be grown in the fields where the animals are no longer living.
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What would happen to the cows when they were too old for the milking?
To keep milking, cows need to pregnant every year. Would all the bull calves be slaughtered at birth?
I suppose they could use the old cows and baby bulls for pet food. Dogs can be veggie but apparently cats can't.

What about fish, if we're all veggie then the seas would become overpopulated, would that become a problem in itself or would there be natural regulation
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Poor fishermen :(
Yep, peoples livelihoods would be in jeopardy.

Interesting question though.
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Could farmers make a living from breeding sheep just for the wool, cows for the milk and leather, and I suppose it would be bye bye pigs.
Chicken farms might continue, for the eggs. There's not much call for turkey eggs, as far as I know, so they might join the list of endangered species.
Nah, we need somewhere to get rid of the bodies ;)
You may slaughter whatever food animal you wish, but to be vegetarian you'll have to just watch it rot because you're not allowed to eat it.

The main consequences would be that those with no time to spend ages preparing food would end up having unsatisfying meals, and thus a lower satisfaction with their life.
don't agree with that OG, i can knock up a gorgeous veggie meal in minutes.

you'd have a lot of species go extinct, life without bacon...... can;t imagine it
think of all the farts ! Veggi food equals gas , I tried a veggi diet and you could have connected me up to the national gas grid!
I mentioned this in a discussion elsewhere. Not sure what would happen elsewhere but what would happen here would be that much of the green landscape that we enjoy in the Uk would vanish. The New Forest uses beef cattle and pigs as well as ponies and donkeys to maintain it and those animals are privately owned and turned out to fatten. The Dales uses sheep in the same way.
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That's true. A lot of land used for grazing isn't and never will be suitable for growing crops.
What if everyone became vegans, who refuse to consume or wear animal products in any shape or form?
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Bye bye farmed animals. Horses and pets would have to go in to dog and cat food.
It's certainly dystopic.
According to my uncle in law, a sheep framer, wool is almost worthless now.
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That's what uncle says. He just about breaks even because he has to employ someone to help out. He has over 200 mountain sheep.
well it would be very bad for global warming for a start. If we were not supposed to eat farm animals why are they made out of meat?

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