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Electric Meter

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fudgedaft | 15:20 Fri 07th Oct 2005 | How it Works
7 Answers
Can anyone help me, we have a 3 phase KWh meter at work which is going the wrong way, it is the old fashioned type with the rotating disc, the company that supplied it went out of buisiness along time ago so we are unable to go to them for any way of changing it.


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Your electricity supplier should be able to assist. (If that meter is the one which they use to work out your bills, they'll act very quickly if you tell them it's going backwards!).

If your company are obliged to get it replaced themselves, then the best action is to look under 'Electrical Engineers' or 'Electricians' in Yellow Pages (selecting a firm who specialise in commercial work).

If your company employs their own electricians, they ought to know where to get a replacement meter anyway! If not, point them here:

Wherever you go, the replacement meter will be of the digital type as the old 'rotating wheeel' meters are now redundant.

As I understand it no electricity supplier will let their meters be replaced, repaired or tampered with by a third party.  Only they can regulate, test or calibrate it.  It is the responsibility of your supplier to replace it.  It is usually done for free.
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Hi,  If its going backwards its probably because somebody has connected the input cables to the output terminals and the output cables to the input terminals.  Any competent electrician should be able to sort this out with no trouble.
The meter has a Board seal on it.  No electrician with any sort of reputation would touch this job.  It's strictly for the Boards (there is a pun in there, sorry)
Hi Tim B,  I assumed from the tone of the question that this is not a Electricity board meter, but a private tenents meter of some kind.   Obviously a board sealed meter should only be touched by the revelent authority at the board  
Possibly two of the phases are incorrectly fitted thus altering the magnetic flux and causing it to run backwards, or it could be that one of its coils is dead and no longer produces an electric field.

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