Garden Gate in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Garden Gate

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crapmemory | 15:30 Fri 29th Jun 2018 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I had a new 6ft garden gate installed a few months ago but now some of the wood at the top has started to split. What can I do to repair it and stop it happening again? TIA
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It's difficult to offer advice without seeing the damage. Can you post a picture, or provide a more-detailed description?
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There is a piece of wood that goes across the top of the gate and it looks like the wood is splintering? Does that make sense?
If the gate was made and fitted by a 3rd party who you paid for that work and is only a few months old, I suggest you get the tradesman back to have a look at it and carry out the repair or replacement of the faulty part.
Oak is known for splitting; is it oak?

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