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Covid Tests

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ukanonymous | 12:26 Mon 08th Feb 2021 | How it Works
22 Answers
Hey peepsies just wondering. I really hate the idea of having something shoved to the back of my nose :( Are there any other ways to get tested at all? Thanky poos


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Back of the thoat and nose are the only ways to test I think.
it doesn't go to the back of your nose
It's not bad.

Last time I had a test they let me do it myself.
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Bednobs I read it goes to the base of the protective layer of your brain... Is that right? Thats what really makes me just cringe :( Worse than scraping a fork on a plate.
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Oh UMMM thats awesome then.
You're pretty close to understanding how we feel about your presence on here then UKan'us.
Just made me sneeze ukanon, that's all :0)
I did it myself at Testing Centre. Just take your time, and gently push until you feel resistance. Its better when youre in control.
I gagged.
After 8 of them I have got it down to a fine art, put the swab high in the mouth following down to the tonsils and wiggle. I find avoiding the back of the tongue avoids gagging.
Then into the nose, gently pushing until you feel resistance and wiggle, repeat the other nostril.
I still have another 8 to do, so had to find a way to avoid the gagging.
I gagged too, when stabbing throat. I think most people do.
I'm sure I put swabbing! Lol
zacs I don't feel that way so speak for yourself
Can I point out that it may be different in France?
I think I was a little bit off my head on drugs when I had my tests :-)

(drugs the hospital gave me, not illegal ones)
Yes you can have anal swabs but I think that is only in China at the moment
no, in China they shove the swab in your ear and directly into your brain....then they shove one in the other ear and do the same....then they pull them out and check for daylight.......
they do the front of the nose - you really knew that didnt you hehe?
but I can tell you trolls make up any old bollooo to get people going

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