what is the probability P of throwing EXACTLY x sixes with y standard six-sided dice? I'd like the answer in terms of x and y please. I have got as far as P = z/(6^y) but what is z? This is doing my head in. Help please.
Assuming you are throwing them all together, and that all the dice are independent, then this should be a binomial distribution. So using the good old formula... yCx * (1/6)^x * (5/6) ^ (y-x) should do the trick. If not, then MSN Messenger me to figure it out : chat@unblue.co.uk
I Make the answer as y/(6^x) I don't think that binomials have anything to do with it as these usually involve factorials which are used in calculations where the outcome of the first probablility affects the next etc. My formula seems to work for the first few combinations but I must do some work now!! Hamish