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Knife / Machette Amnesty

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Bazile | 20:00 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | How it Works
7 Answers

Sorry to bother you folks again .

Along the cutting edge of the blade there are small 'divets' / 'gouges' that's appeared through long term use . 

Are they classed as 'serrations' on the blade or  'points ' on the blade  under the legislation ?



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Thanks Chris

That knife in the picture is how it was manufactured .

My question is what has happened to the blade because of use of the knife 


natural damage to the edge won't be considered serrations.

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Is that the same for points tora ?

Like with much legislation, I think this is one of those vague points (pun unintended) which only get decided the first time they crop up in Court. It's how barristers earn a crust.

I don't think so if they are not part of the initial design or  added deliberately then I'd say theu are just damage. Do you have a picture of said blade?

Just hand it in.

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Knife / Machette Amnesty

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