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shares v houses

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tali122 | 23:55 Fri 27th Jan 2006 | How it Works
3 Answers
historically the stock market has averaged out returns of 12% over the last 80 years, how do house prices compare as an investment?- or is there anything consistently higher average % historically?


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Hello, once again!

I don't know about the past 80 years but there are some figures here, which might be of interest, regading house prices over the past 30 years:

If you're looking for investments which have historically beaten the stock exchange then, for those with 'big bucks', I'd suggest that the very top end of the art market has probably seen returns well above those of the stock market. (e.g. if you compare the current price of works by, say, Picasso now with prices in, say, the 1960s, you'll almost certainly see some really massive increases).


Oops! I seem to be signing things twice. I've heard of seeing double but signing double is something new! (Maybe I shouldn't have opened this bottle of scotch!).

Anyway, if I don't sign this post, things will have averaged out :-)
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thanks for link -we must stop meeting like this!

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shares v houses

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