stupid philips dvd recorder HELP!!!!!!!!! in The AnswerBank: Technology
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stupid philips dvd recorder HELP!!!!!!!!!

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agent4 | 22:22 Tue 21st Feb 2006 | Technology
10 Answers
Hi all i have a philips dvd recorder but it only records onto DVD+R discs these discs will not work on any other dvd player in my home. Is there anything i can do to make them play on other dvd players. Now i have just recorded a film from my camcorder for a friend of his kids birthday party had him on the phone telling me it wont play on his dvd but works fine on mine. ANY IDEAS THANKS
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That's the problem with recorders which only have one format (ie. +) - definitely false economy. Lots of people will be caught out with the cheap + only recorders - but Philips aren't necessarily that cheap! If you have a computer with a dual format DVD writer, you can copy the + to a -. If not, then buy one, they're quite cheap now but make sure you get one that can record DUAL LAYER as well as dual format.
I too have a philips dvd+r and my disks play on all of my dvd players, including the ones in the computer, and my friends dvd players.

For them to play on all players you need to record onto dvd+r, not +rw, and finalise them.

Most DVD recorders have an option to finalize the recorded DVD. Try this as an unfinalized DVD is not likely to be playable on another DVD player. Also some recorders have two or more recording modes. One maybe a bespoke mode which will only play on another player or recorder from the same company. The other mode will be playable on any DVD player. But as I said try finalizing first. Nearly all DVD players can play a DVD+R that's been finalized

Perhaps you could let me know the model and I'll see exactly what yours can do.

...out of all that good advice I think the main word is Finalize..........if you do it they will play on other machines..if not, they won't...........commoner.
I assumed that agent4 had finalised the discs.
lol...and I assumed he hadn't wideboy.............we may never know.....unless agent4 informs us that is.........<G>
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soory all its a philipsdvdr890 i brought it around 4 years ago for 650 quid now iv noticed its 100 quid oh well all disc are finalized when recorded. dont matter if there +r or +rw they will not work on any other dvd player.
use the 2 hour mode , not some long play option.
Have you tried contacting Philips? (Especially having forked out so much money)

mmm have read some reviews about these recorders and there have been some issues.

I would firstly try another brand of DVD+R media. The Philips website should tell you what it recommends.

If this doesn't work I would contatc Philips for some advise as a finailsed DVD+R should play in most DVD players.

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stupid philips dvd recorder HELP!!!!!!!!!

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