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Octavius | 13:41 Fri 05th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers

Hello darling A Bed. It's me.

Is there any way of reporting my own posts to get them removed?

I recently ventured into a question and gave (in my mind at least) a very precise, concise, considerate, descriptive, helpful and grammatically correct answer to what I thought was a seriously genuine medical concern, only to find that it was a 'chatty' thread and the poster didn't really need my medical assistance or advice.

As you can imagine, it is rather embarassing for me so if we could have that option it would be most helpful and ever so kind. At least to save me a few blushes.

All the best. xx

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Tell me which one Octavius, and I'll report it for you if you want. There is no reason to feel embarrassed though, I'm sure noone would make fun of you for giving a genuine answer to what you thought was a genuine problem !
Okay Octavius - in future, just email me the URL of the Question and I'll remove it for you. Happy Friday!

Hi Octavius! I presume you're talking about my Q?

I am sincerely grateful for your answer! It was a genuine question- I swear! Hence why I marked you with three stars.....

Thank you for your answer, WS xxx

(please don't remove it Mrs Ed!) x

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I wasn't actually whisky.

Oh, A Bed, you are ever so good to me.

Tenga un buen fin de semana

I do apologise, Octavius.........

(thanks again x)

i have an issue here, when i phone my (almost ex but still mytherin me) bloke, i always say 'hi darlin it's me' and instinctively he knows who it is, whether that is cos he has number id on his moby, or he recognised my voice, cannot say, but the issue is, and i quote:

"hello darling A bed it's me" is this the first cyber affair of AB? Me is curious, me wants to know cos me is nosy and there is nowt on tele.

me and bella are lovers, Dot...not cyber ones ...but real life ones

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