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Will i get an automatic ban?

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angus58 | 20:59 Thu 10th Aug 2006 | How it Works
22 Answers
I have been caught doing 116mph,really stupid thing to do, but this a******E was trying to race me, Put my foot down to get rid of him, and WHAM there they are gun in hand, and stopped 500meters down the road.Kept my mouth shut, and just smiled as the young lady gave me a stiff talking tooooo. Anyway I am in the last 6months of my Commercial Pilots Training, and could loose everything is banned.Can I use this in mt defence?
Any advice welcome.Oh I already have 6 points at present


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Personally, I reckon you are about to wave goodbye to your pilots licence. Especially as you have points already. The court will probably argue that you should have just let him drive off and not got into a race in the first place. I'm know it sounds harsh, but I feel that you deserve to lose your licence. I have to pay inflated insurance premiums because of idiotic drivers on the road. If you can't handle a car sensibly, you don't deserve to go anywhere near a plane.
HE was trying to race YOU ...surely you were racing each other?

Hope you get a ban before you kill someone ...
Personally I'm of the opinion that you should be banned. Pilots need cool heads. If you had a cool head, you'd simply back down and not race him. Your previous 6 points simply worsens the situation.
got done for an average of 119mph, got banned for 56 days and a � 200 fine, no points, though i was banned at the time for reckless driving when i went too caught, the ban ran the same time and finished the same time as the current ban, though this was 15 years ago, me mate got done a while ago for 102mph. had 3 points already and was banned for two weeks
i think that if your caught doing 30mph ove r the limit it is an instant ban
though why does the affect your pilots license
also could you not try too put off the court date for 6 months
and i think you will have too go to court for it ( well 99% sure)
ps get a good lawyer
I'm ignoring the sensible posts above.
You deserve to lose your licence. Sounds like a matter of time before you killed someone.

To be honest this sounds so stupid as to be a windup.
sorry i see the most dangerous things done by drivers, usually over 50, who are usually doing half the speed limit
its usually people driving wthout any concentration and awareness for others thats more dangerous than speeding, when i used to speed at mach 10, on me bike i was the most aware driver on the road
but before you become moralistic, i now prefer to take me time as its more relaxing, especiallly on our congested roads
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A two part answer, so as to address all the points I think you need to be aware of:

Your fears are well founded, at least as far as a driving ban goes.

Magistrates sentencing guidelines provide detailed guidance for speeds up to 110mph only. For this speed they suggest either 6 points or a disqualification of up to 56 days (and these guidelines refer to a first-time offender, which you are not). From your description of events you have no mitigation to reduce the seriousness of the offence and so can expect to be awarded a penalty at least as harsh as this. So, even if you escape a ban for this offence alone but are awarded 6 points, this will make you a �totter� for having accumulated 12 points.

Totting activates an automatic mandatory ban of six months unless �exceptional hardship� can be shown. This means you will have to prove to the court that a disqualification will result in exceptional hardship for you or others. Generally, loss of employment is not considered exceptional hardship. The thinking is that those drivers who know they will lose employment if banned should behave more responsibly.
(Part Two)

In summary, you have three hurdles to jump. Firstly you must persuade the court not to disqualify you for this offence alone (which in itself may be difficult in view of the speed recorded and your previous convictions). If you get over this you must then try to persuade them to award you less than six points (this is most unlikely to succeed as it is completely contrary to their guidelines). Finally, if they do not disqualify you for this single offence but award you six points, you must argue exceptional hardship to avoid being disqualified as a totter.

To have any hope of any of this succeeding you will need to employ a solicitor. If he is worth his salt he may well advise you to save his fee and put it towards the hefty fine you are likely to suffer. My advice would be to plead guilty (and so qualify for a one third discount on your fine) and beg the court to disqualify you for this offence alone for as short a period as they think fit. This is likely to be less than the mandatory six months for totting, but it does mean that the six points you already have on your licence will remain there following your ban. (They would have been wiped off if you had been banned under totting).
I wouldn't want you flying me about. Are you that reckless in the air?
I would imagine that someone taking a commercial pilot training course would find it difficult to prove hardship. You may be lucky, in that your summons will not come through for 6-9 months.
I hope you get banned mate. Why race? If some chav is trying to race you, just think of who might get hurt or killed if something went wrong. Its people like you that kill innocent people, children
You deserve a harsh sentence, what kind of childish argument is it that'he was trying to race me' ?
I am not normally rude but in your case I will make an exception:

Why ask for advice when you have obviously totally ignored all the advertised advice given regarding reckless driving:

and if you are lookin for sympathy - well in the dictionary Sympathy comes between Sex and Syphalis
I always thought you got an instant ban for racing or doing over a ton, maybe things have changed.
If your job depends on your car (as was the case with that sales rep that had over thirty points on his licence) you might get away with a fine and points, but not disqualification.
thanks ratters15, i am quite a hero, but obviously you cannot read, and would prefer to make judgements on others, i don't drive like an idiot and have no intention in killing myself, especially as i spend most of me time driving a 34bhp, 1200cc 1969 beetle, which i've had 10 years,
so may i quote my last few lines, i answered,

"before you become moralistic, i now prefer to take me time as its more relaxing, especially on our congested roads"
youre defence?
just be honest and tell em you were racing on the highway
thatll score you a few points!
good luck
ratters15 yes i'll be 130 by then, my what a **** you are

ps i've never had an acrash in 20 years of driving, as theres no such thing as accidents, so i was told
Hope you get banned you prat and I hope you are not the same driver who nearly ran over my kids in there twin pram on a pedestrian crossing, because when the judge let him off with a slapped wrist he said he learnt his lesson. Dont care if this post gets banned but you are a prat think you fell bad because you might get banned try and live in a family who have lost a loved one through a prat like you.
i too am in my last few months of my CPL, with no car i have had to manage by scroungeing lifts or cycling to the airfield. best of luck to you buddie, hope all works out well

lord molly

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