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compaq M700 laptop

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isolao | 06:16 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | How it Works
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How do i instal memory modules into compaq M700 notebook?


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You get to the memory through your keyboard, its quite easy in between the keys there are 4 little catches that can be moved with your fingers, these catches are at the edge of your keyboard near the joining between the edge of the keyboard top and the begining of your keyboard, they are placed in between the letters, if you look carefully,
Be very careful when removing keyboard as there is an interface cable attached to the underside of the keyboard, and you do not want to damage this,
the best way to remove keyboard when you have loosened catches is to lean laptop forward( like turning it upside down) but do this slowly and the keyboard will come away quite easily, when you do this you will then see the cable and you will be able to move to one side while you insert your memory, good luck ]

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