I know this is a wierd question but has anyone seen the advert where there's a group of penguins and one goes forward first and goes into the water then the rest follow ?
well me and and my boyfriend are arguing cause i think the first penguin is breaking the ice for the others,but my boyfriend thinks the ice is already broken. Can anyone settle is for us ?
i ment to put this in adverts ! i didnt realise it was in how it works. sorry.
thought i better mention it was a mistake before someone cocky points it out :p
I think that the ice is already broken but none of the penguins know this. The first penguin obviously drew the short straw and had to go and test the ice!!
I'm with you - looks like the first penguin is breaking the ice and the others take advantage of his ice breaking skills.
V funny ad whichever way round it is : )
That it a class advert, The first penguin didn't know the ice was weak. But fell in anyway, but there's one who misses the hole and slid's passed it. wicked!
I think the ise was previously broken, but has re-frozen somewhat thinner than the surrounding ice.
(in this sort of situation, ice crystals form in the sea water, forming a floating, slushy surface, which - undisturbed - will eventually freeze solid.The penguin falls through a layer of this just before it has thickened too much))
Agree with Brachiopod, I think that they always enter the ice at this point it looks thin and the first one is the leader and the others follow.
Remember they have to eat so they must have been in before.