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Diagram of a bicylce alarm cirucit

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fastforward | 13:40 Thu 10th Jul 2003 | How it Works
4 Answers
I need a diagram cirucit of a bicycle alarm, if anyone knows where i can get one or has one please email it to me


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It wasn't exactly rocket science but I typed 'bicycle alarm' into google and found this. You can click on the link below or leave your address and I'll bring it round.
My answer wasn't rocket science either. Try this link.
This sounds very suspiciously like what several people I know attempted to do when their GCSE electronics coursework was due in. On the small chance that this is what you are trying to do, I should tell you that it absolutely will not work (they got caught out and nearly got banned from the exam). Alternatively, you might just be curious about bike alarms. Either way.
Seems like strozzi has a split personality! :-)

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Diagram of a bicylce alarm cirucit

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