When in doubt reduce tension on the string to avoid breakage. If you can find a closer pitch by fretting a particular string your safe to tune up to the correct pitch. Once you understand this your "safe" to proceed.
First time or two through don�t fine tune as large adjustments to one string will affect fine tuning of others.
Make sure your volume control is full on maximum.
Tune the �A� string first. This is the
second largest (fattest) string.
Here�s a
reference tone for the �A� string.
Working from the approximately tuned �A� string, use the
fret method to get each string in the ball park.
With each sting tuned near to pitch (and the volume turned completely up) the electronic tuner should work for fine tuning.
Be patient and go through all six strings a few times. Once only small adjustments are needed you should have no trouble at all.
Keep it fun!