how do i make my laptop wireless?? a bubble appears at bottom of screen saying wireless connection not activated (or words to that effect) so i guess it wouldnt be difficult to do?
You need a broadband connection and a wireless router, assuming that your laptop is already wireless enabled which most newish ones are.
Also, check that there isn't a switch on the front of your laptop anywhere which switches the wireless on and off. There was on mine and I felt like a right numpty after trying for a week to get set up before realising it was switched off...
grrrrr. Wireless. Grrrr
spent � hour setting up router for my sister the other day, then another hour trying to connect her bloody laptop to it.
Finally took the card out of the PCI slot to find that she didn't have bloody wireless. Just a blank in the slot!!!!!
If you can't see a switch try holding down the function key (fn) and pressing F1. It took me ages to get my wireless set up and all it took my brother was 3 seconds to do that to activate it. duh!