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Re-setting jewellery

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porfavour | 21:44 Sat 20th Jan 2007 | How it Works
2 Answers
Is it possible for me to 'melt down' my jewellery.
I have several old fashioned pieces of jewellery, of mixed carat, I would like to remove the stones, design and possibly (with tuition!) make a new setting. Obviously I will get them valued beforehand incase there is anything of high value, but these are not so much antique, just old. I would be prepared to go on some sort of course to achieve this, but haven't a clue where to look, everything on the net advises a 'degree'! I just want to recycle my goodies for my daughter. Any help or advise would really be appreciated.


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I know jewellery can be taken to certain goldsmiths and jewellers for them to do that for you - Im sure that if you asked a local one to you, that they'd be able to point you in the right direction. Eventhough you provide the metal, its still quite an expensive thing to do in my experience - it cost me �120 to have two bangles made out of my own gold!
The other option is to speak to a local college or careers advice who might be able to steer you in the right direction of a course to learn hoe to do it yourself.
Good Luck
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Thank you welshfox.
I think the value of jewellery is pretty much tied up in the design, rather than the content of the gold or stones.
I hoped it would be a great way to re-cycle dated jewellery into more wearable modern pieces.
If anyone else has an opinion I would be interested to hear from you.
Many thanks.

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Re-setting jewellery

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