christmas lights plug? in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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christmas lights plug?

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mikeomz | 20:19 Fri 12th Oct 2007 | How it Works
3 Answers
i have a set of christmas lights. and the end plug that looks like its meant to connect to the electricity is shaped,and the same size as ,an old nokia phone charger single plug..any ideas how i connect this up to the electricity,do i need a transformer of some kind?
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Yes, these lights will run on 6 or 12 volt dc, you will need a transformer.
Somewhere you'll have a slightly bigger than normal three pin plug type thing with a socket which the nokia type plug will plug into.
If you cannot find the transformer that came with this set of lights, might I suggest that you contact your local electronics supplier (Maplin can help here) and explain the situation. They may be able to sell you the parts to make it work again. You will need a transformer, switchable to 6v (try this one first), 9v (then this one) or 12V (finally this one) and something to connect to the lights. I would NOT recommend twisting the wires together by hand and using insulating tape. This could be a fire risk. You may be able to buy a special plug that comes in two halves that you can connect to the transformer and the lights.

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