Being of the clean shaven face,i've often wondered how men (or women for the sake of equality) who have big beards keep them clean and free of foreign matter.Another question to answer how did the term foreign matter come into use?
Washing daily I don't have a problem with foreign matter.Although drinking pints with a frothy head is sometimes a problem which is where my snake like tongue comes into play.
After eating just run ur hand over the beard and u can feel if there is anything on it....otherwise daily washing but the big questions is shampoo or soap?????
I have had a full beard for many years. i keep it clean by just washing it. As in when I have a bath or just wash my face. I occaisionally use conditioner- if i am likeley to get as close as kissing a girl! As for the term 'foreign matter'. don't know. Probably that i9t is something where it shouldn't be. therefore 'foreign'.