In fact there are French words to God Save the Queen but they have nothing offending to England. They don't even mention England or the English People.
This is just because this song - Grand Dieu Sauve le Roi - WAS the French national anthen (or the equivalent of what national anthens have become in the 19th cent) until 1792. The Revolution invented it with La Marseillaise, which stirs and soars much better I think.
In other words, God Save the Queen was a French song, made under Louis XIV, so allegedly before God Save the Queen. Haendel introduced it in England in the early 18th cent.
The good thing here is that the French, I think, don't have any song specifically against the English people like the ones you mentioned against the French. I think we think this kind of thing is a little outdated and boring. Don't you think?
For the words see 29