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washing machines

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thekendalls | 15:21 Tue 11th Mar 2008 | How it Works
5 Answers
I have a hot and cold fill washing machine in my garage, but only a cold supply. Is there any way that I can convert my hot/cold machine to just cold?


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I had this once, and the machine got really upset by not having hot water. Ended up having to get a cold-fill model.
check with the makers,our candy worked OK without the hot supply connected,just took longer per cycle whilst the inbuilt heater brought the water up to temperature
usually the hot supply is only used on wash temperatures of 60 degrees or over.

You could use a Y piece and connect your cold feed to both the hot and cold points on your washing machine.
Only downside is that it might take a little longer for the water temperature to get to the desired level.

Below is an article I saw discussing this point

If you want to make it cold fill only use one of these Y connectors: d=15272
What's the make?

My whirlpool takes both hot and cold or just cold. Simply just connect the cold and blank off the hot connection - check your manual to see if there's a tap also.
how old is it? every machine now is coldfill only now. they don't do the hot - cold fill anymore.

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