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NEFF Dishwasher

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muncy | 18:16 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | How it Works
3 Answers
I have a NEFF dishwasher that has worked without problem for many years but this morning refuses to start. The programme end indicator is flashing and won't stop. It doesn't matter what programme I put it on, I've switched it off and back on, nothing will persuade it to work.


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Its possibly an error code, look in the manual, it should tell you something in there
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It could be an error code but unfortunately the manual doesn't tell me what it is. Searching around the internet suggests that it could be a flood safety device but the manual doesn't mention that either. Damn!
Thats funny, manufacturers usually try to include a 'troubleshooting' section
alternatively you could try asking at :
and see if any engineers can help

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NEFF Dishwasher

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