Panasonic DVD Recorder tuning in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Panasonic DVD Recorder tuning

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Tillyella | 13:08 Fri 22nd May 2009 | How it Works
2 Answers
I have been given a Panasonic dvd recorder model DMR ES10. I also have a virgin cable box and a video recorder. I think I have them all connected OK. My problem is that I cannot fathom out how to tune the DVD to the recording channel. Unlike the video recorder which you have to tune in, the DVD finds it's own channel for playing dvds but this does not seem to be the channel for recording. The instruction manuel is not very helpful so I'm hoping someone out there can help. I would be very grateful for some advice that a lone woman of 66 can understand. Thanks a lot.
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A DVD recorder does have a TV tuner (like a VHS recorder does) and you can record from those channels.

But the TV tuner in your DVD recorder may only be analogue, so you could only record the 5 main channels (it may be a freeview tuner though).

If you want to record from the Virgin box then you need to connect the Virgin box to the DVD recorder by a scart lead.

Then add another scart lead from the DVD recorder to the TV.

So the Virgin signal goes IN the DVD recorder, then OUT again to the TV.

You then need to set the DVD recorder "channel" so it is "listening in" to the Scart socket at the back.

On my Panasonic I have to press the "Input Select" button on the remote control to change the "channel" on the DVD recorder to be A1 or A2 (depending which scart socket you are using). On mine it is A2.

Once you have done that whatever is on the Virgin box should go through the DVD recorder and be shown on the TV.

If you then put a DVD disk in and press Record on the DVD recorder it should record what is being shown on TV.

I have to say the Panasonic guide for DVD recorders are AWFUL (I have two).

Good luck !!
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Thank you very much vehelpfulguy. I actually understood your instructions. As soon as I get a minute I'm going to give it a go. Think they better get you to write the manuals.

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