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Dee Sa | 09:44 Sun 26th Jul 2009 | How it Works
6 Answers
I dont seem to have much luck with shredders.
I have an Advent shredder from Maplin and now it will only work in reverse, is there anything I can do other than get another and if so any recommendations as to what one and where to buy. I dont use it to excess only to shred personal stuff old invoices , credit card unwanted cheques etc


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"it will only work in reverse" - does it put shreds of paper together again so you can read all your details ? Very clever
mine's about 8 years old - works both ways
1 sheet at a cime - no credit cards
LOL HillyHugger, what a great invention.

Sometimes bits of paper get compressed and jammed in the cutters preventing them from moving. Unplug it and check for paper jammed in the cutter.
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many tks for the help offered, nothing stuck, will now try opening up the darn thing and after that looks like a new one, its only approx 12 months old and I only put through single paper no credit cards etc, why me lord why me ?no one else touches it except me so I cant blame anyone else.
Make sure the top is on the base properly as on some shredders there is a cut off switch so it wont work if not properly seated....
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many thanks, I agree, but if not properly seated why does the reverse work ? one of lifes little mysteries, it must be me because I have had two shredders already, many tks for the reply though.

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