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I must be stupid

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chrissa1 | 02:12 Mon 31st Aug 2009 | How it Works
63 Answers
I can't work out how to write in italics or bold in my questions or answers. I've read the section, but when I put in etc, nothing happens.

Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?


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blimey - you've made everything go italic!!
chrissa has broken the internet...
Question Author
Aw man!!!!! I haven't have I????

Have I just figured out that the itaslics etc only click in After you post??

YOU have broken the internet.. shame!!!
Question Author
Oops, meant italics.I hate spelling mistakes.
Where's the esculent Chuck when you need him..?
♥ ♪ ♫ ○ ☺ ♣
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I can do it now!!!
Question Author
Now that's just showing off mamyalynne!!
ouy enod ekorb ym draobtek
ignore that as too much merlot
internet is still broken Chrissa..
I`m getting neckache now its all tilted
Question Author
Is this a wind up or what??? What a giggle you've given me!
Question Author
How do I make it stop? Hhheeelllpppp
Chrissa - you HAVE broken the internet.. why is it all slanty..?
Have you any travel sickness pills or do i post in health?
am going a bit dizzy will someone catch me if i falllllllllllllll

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I must be stupid

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