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Gold and Silver Ball Point Pens that Refuse to Write

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xstitcher | 14:46 Sun 01st Nov 2009 | How it Works
5 Answers

Last Dec. I bought two ball point pens that write in gold and silver for doing the Christmas cards.
Although both still have a lot of ink in them they won't write.

I'm sure some bright spark out there has a solution for this minor problem.

I'll be waiting to hear from you. Thanks.


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Scribble vigorously for a while on a piece of scratch paper. Sometimes, this is all it takes to coax a pen into writing again.

Run tip under hot water. If dried up ink is clogging the tip, this could get things flowing again. Some inks are alcohol-based, so you might also try dipping the tip in a drop of alcohol or hair spray.

Warm up the pen. Leave it in a sunny windowsill for awhile or hold it under warm water.

Shake the pen. Hold the back end of the pen, opposite the tip, and shake the pen like a thermometer. Sometimes air bubbles get into the ink cylinder, so shaking the ink down toward the tip
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Thanks for your very good answer. I have got the silver pen going now with the hot water but the gold writing pen seems to have given up the ghost.
try dipping the writing end in nail varnish remover for a while
honestly the easiest way is to suck the ink down the nib lol

it happns all the time!! cccc
Try striking the pen on the sole of your shoe. It always works on ordinary biros. Worth a try.

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Gold and Silver Ball Point Pens that Refuse to Write

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