Vaillant VRT 340f Wireless Heating Controller
I have one of these wireless VRT 340f controllers for our boiler. I have instructions in both English and German (I live in Germany) The English Instructions refer to a model which looks similar to my controller, is named the same but does not have the same functions. The German instructions are for the exact model but are so hard to follow I cannot comprehend them. Although I speak fluent German.
We have had several "Experts" round to fix this boiler, it seems every year we need to have it serviced and get someone to show us how to work it. This is perhaps the sixth year we have been battling this issue. We are still trying to figure it out! Are there any experts out there who can help us?Believe me I have contacted both Vaillant in Germany and the UK requesting help but nobody seems to be able to come up with a concrete answer. I don't want to spend another drafty winter dressed in extra layers eating my Christmas dinner! I will pay for help, we could telephone.
Please help,