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condensor dryer

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tinniewinnie | 17:28 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | How it Works
10 Answers
i have a condensor dryer, which when you press the start button it doesnt come on, all the lights appear to come on the same time, its a whirlpool condesor model number awz 7913


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Is the water container full?
Have you cleaned out the condenser unit?
With mine if the water container was full it would still work but not heat up.
Mine stops spinning and the lights come on if the water's full.
Mines better than yours
^ Bighead
@ ummmm: If it doesn't heat up - it's not working ....... so your's is no better than NazNomad's :P
Ummmm, how is it better if it's still urunning and not actually drying anything?

I have to clear the gunge out of the air flow bit at the bottom of my machine (the condenser?). Mine's a Bosch by the way. So it may be better than any of yours!
^ another bighead : )

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condensor dryer

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