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gun licences in uk

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chrissie37f | 19:40 Tue 08th Mar 2005 | How it Works
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Are you allowed to keep/renew your gun licence if there is a member of the household with a police record, thanks



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Wouldn't like to say for sure but I don't remember that the application form asks about convictions other than your own record. Presumably the police do some sort of address search, but then again it may depend on the reason for the record/conviction. If the application/renewal  is refused you can always appeal if you think the refusal is for a petty reason and especially if you can show that you have held a licence with responsibility for several years previously. Do you belong to the CPSA or NRA or other shooting organisation, they would probably give you advice. Also the following link may or may not be of assistance.

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gun licences in uk

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