PPI refunds in The AnswerBank: Insurance
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PPI refunds

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DSJ | 16:04 Wed 18th Apr 2012 | Insurance
7 Answers
Three PPI refund e-mails within 30 seconds & two texts on my mobile.

All deleted immediately.

How do you get these people off your back?

Sensible suggestions please. I can think of a few ways but they definitely wouldn't be within the law!
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The Emails should have an unsubscribe link on them.
I don't think you do, you just catch and send them to the spam folder.

Not a good idea to reply to unsolicited spam. It lets folk know your account is active. Spam from businesses you have had dealings with, you can probably trust the unsubscribe option.

The only other solution I can think of is to abandon your present e-mail account and start a new one.
I once read though that 'unsubscribing' to spam is not a good idea as it alerts them to the fact that yours is a genuine email address, so you may end up getting more emails.
Does your email have a filter that allows you to specify rules to filter out emails containing words such as "PPI"?
When they ring I sometimes play along for a bit until they realise I'm time waster in the hope they won't bother again, or I tell them to take me off their lists.
I'm more fed up of the ads- for example on Talk Sport every ad break seems to be PPi ads
What I want to know is how they get your mobile number, the only people I have given mine out to have been family and a couple of friends.
dont text back STOP to any of these numbers, you will be charged and like the emails, it lets them know the mobile phone number is active and that is what they want to know
(i had a strange text apparently from facebook a few days ago although Ive never given my number anywhere on fb -again these and anything like it are best ignored and deleted!)
Ignore, delete, take no notice. Whatever you do, don't respond, it'll mean they know you are a real person. They ought to go into your spam email filter - not sure what you can do about phone spam.
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Yes, I've ignored texts & e-mails. It just bugs me that these people are bothering me in the first place. They obviously think I'm some sort of idiot!

Had a phone call yesterday (on the land line) from 'Mason' who wanted to help me to claim back £2,500. It was obvious from his accent that his real name was not Mason & he was not ringing from the UK. I just said "Stop right there. I have not been mis-sold anything and, if I had, I would be claiming it back myself". He managed to hang up before I could replace my receiver!

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