Car insurance in The AnswerBank: Insurance
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Car insurance

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keenanthomps | 18:33 Fri 05th Oct 2012 | Insurance
20 Answers
I wanted to renew insurance and was told because I was divorced I would be charged £35.00extra, I asked why and was told because I was divorced I could be using my car more to go out !,,,,,, any one heard of this ?
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I should think so, keenantthomps.
18:47 Fri 05th Oct 2012
Who is your insurer? Not one I would want to be associated with.
Well they always ask about your marital status on the forms, now you know why.
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I've been driving since 1972 been divorced about 18yrs never came across this ever the insurance company provident
If you do your insurance online they always ask what your marital status is.
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I'm female! Would same apply for male drivers ?????
I should think so, keenantthomps.
If you were on a joint policy you will now become the sole driver which can incur an increase in premium.
Especially if your ex attracted any extra discounts for additional driving qualifications or long no claims etc.
>>>"I'm female! Would same apply for male drivers"

You might well have identified the cause of the problem (or, more specifically, why it's only just arisen).

Up until recently insurers offered lower premiums to women than to men but now, under an equality ruling, that's illegal. Both sexes must be treated equally. So, if divorced men have to pay higher premiums (because they go out more), women must pay the same premiums (even if they don't go out more). i.e. it's possible that your insurer has been charging divorced men higher premiums for years but, if they wish to continue doing so, they must now also charge divorced women the same premiums.

They've never asked me that question - but Chris is right, the EU court ruling means that women can't be offered cheaper premiums (even though the long-term evidence is that we have less accidents). I guess your insurance person might have got it wrong, what an unlikely scenario!
It used to be that if there were statistics proving that men were a greater risk than men, insurers could charge a higher premium but as Chris has stated, that has been ruled to be unlawful. Different insurers have their own ways of assessing risk which is why there is a wide range of premiums charged for the same person's car. If they want to charge more because a driver is a divorcé(e), that is up to them
It does seem a daft criterion to use - what would they do if you were not married but had just split up with a long-term partner? You're just as likely to go out of the town!
What about me? I'm a widow.
Then you would have to state single then, chrissa.
St$ff that Tony.
I understand how you feel about that chrissa, but I think that is how they will class you.
That law does not come into effect until December 21st.
Go compare are flogging it about already, saying "get your quote now" - not sure if they will hold quotes given before the new regulations come into force.
Women have more accidents than men but men have more serious or speed related accidents.
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The lady dealing with my renewal at the time told me to say I was married!!! But what would happen if I had to make a claim? Oh dear, what to do eh

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