Thomson vs The West End Lane Parking Co (1949?) is the pivotal case for this, a guy leaving his Rolls everyday in the same garage. Handed over the keys to the attendant and his car goes missing............had he a case, despite clear noticing about the Parking Co offsetting it's responsibilities back onto the Owner?
Yes, they were liable, as an oral contract had been established between the attendant and the Owner, overriding the terms and conditions.
Therefore, you start with the work order and contract and see if terms are outlined there; failing that, are they clearly displayed at the site when you handed the boat over - and there have been cases about that (emphasising clearly) - then, after that, were they at all negligent as to security they have CCTV, was it working.....?
Unfortunately, boat engine theft is a big problem - down here in Cornwall as bro in law is in this business and they have pretty good security land-side and CCTV, but there have been a number of incidents in other nearby marinas and particularly off moorings.