car insurance in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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car insurance

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chris7cc | 09:02 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Motoring
2 Answers
same sort of questions as one below but would like confermation i have paid for my car insurance up front but i am now selling my car iv had the police for 8 months and havent made a clame the company only insures kit cars and im now buying a normal car is there a way i can get my no clames bonous on this police
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there is no bonus yet as you have not finnished the year,if you have a previous bonus from previous years then of course you can have that,but you will have to pay the remaining 4 months up,or just put your new car with them,they must insure all cars and not just kit cars,phone them and ask.
Can you not just let the remaining 4 months run out and get your no claims bonus at the the end?

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