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Caravan Insurance: A Sound Investment

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

The holidays are finally here and you’re planning your annual trip away in your 4–wheeled home, but there are a few things you have to check off your list before you go. Luggage...check, fuel...check, caravan insurance...check!

Insure you have a great trip:

When looking forward to your trip and all the things you will be doing - the last thing that comes to mind is the possibility of crime or an accident, however you have to be vigilant to the dangers that the open road brings. A caravan may be very valuable to you, as it is a part–time home during the holiday season, but it is also seen as very valuable to thieves who can see an easy buck to be made.

Without valid caravan insurance you won’t be covered for any unfortunate eventuality, and may end up losing more than you bargained for. Criminals know that caravan owners tend to keep many home comforts in their caravans - so make sure yours is locked to put off opportunistic criminals.

More than anything having caravan insurance gives you peace of mind that if something was to happen to your prize possession you are covered and will receive a cash pay-out so you can replace everything that can be replaced. But you need to make sure you have taken out the right policy which covers all eventualities, you don’t want to suffer the upset of having your home damaged or stolen to find out you are not covered and then have to deal with the permanent loss.

With increasing rates of caravan theft and vandalism, you need to ensure you do as much as you can to prevent this happening to you. There are many security features you can install to deter unwelcome attention, alarms are always a good preventative. Extra locks and making sure you don’t leave valuables on display will help to restrict interest and help to protect your caravan.

From Home to Home:

As many as 2,000 caravans are stolen each year, with caravan insurance premiums increasing due to these high losses. With such a competitive market, especially online, you can easily find the best deal for you at low costs – meaning there really isn’t an excuse not to have the best possible cover for your home on wheels.

The number of caravans that are recovered after being stolen is very low, which means you need to give your caravan the best protection and cover to reduce the likelihood that your caravan gets stolen while your miles away from home – it is one expensive way to ruin your holiday.

Many caravan owners mistake their insurance needs and think that their caravan is covered under their car insurance, this is however not true at all. The only time this may be valid is when the caravan is attached to their car, but not when unhinged at a camp site – which is where it is most vulnerable.

Depreciation is also a factor with caravans, as you can never predict the Great British weather, and caravans like any other vehicle is exposed to the elements. Rust from rain is a common problem, which can damage your caravan. Flooding is also another risk, although in most cases is a freak occurrence – it can however happen, so we all need to be prepared.

To avoid a horrid holiday headache, double-check your caravan insurance policy, and consider taking out specialist caravan insurance to ensure your mobile holiday home is protected at all times in all circumstances.


- K.J.N -

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