I am 25 and currently working as a teacher in London but am looking for a complete change of career and wanted to try something totally different. I have always had a keen interest in the TV industry...
Does anyone feel the same way I do when it comes to creating profiles and submitting resumes to numerous jobs through numerous jobsites? I get vey frustrated because of the long process.
I am 13 and next year i will be picking my options for year 10 and 11. When I am out of College I either want to do child care ( with either young children or kids with a disability as my sister has a...
Hello can anybody please tell me a website where i can find out how to do a NDT Ultrasonics level one course in the UK.Ive found several links but they take you nowhere just to companies not actual...
ugh ok i live in lil town called seymour n i really need a job bc im moving out this summer so i need to start but i cant this town is too lil and i doubt any one will hire me
Has anyone worked for this company as a therapist?
Are they good to work for and do they pay on time?
I am hoping to work at a pamper party for them next Saturday, in Yorkshire
What learning similarities and differences are apparent in the different Checkpoint responses? What is the importance of knowing your personal learning strengths in addition to those of your...
Going for a numeracey, spelling and one of those psycology type tests tomorrow for a job. Any ideas what I can expect? Passed the data entry one. Just a part time job to fit in with my children...
Hi, I have a typing test next week as part of an assessment stage for the role of Call Handler with the police. Although I have very good typing skills I am obviously very nervous and wondered if...
Ive recently been helping out with our local am dram society working with the children teaching them how to dance and am thinking of qualifying as a teacher. I had dance lessons at a reputable dance...
I have a maths exam tomorrow, and i dont have a textbook to revise from-- to do practise questions and stuff, i tried the gcse bitesize website but didnt find it very useful, i suck at maths so i...