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Ten Best Places To Work

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Barquentine | 14:05 Tue 16th Oct 2012 | Career Advice
10 Answers
What are the most rewarding, exciting, enjoyable, fun and friendliest places to work with the least stress & politics? I don't mean companies, I mean types of work that people have experienced & enjoyed the most. It doesn't matter how low the pay is as long as it's a job you always look forward to getting back to!


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Bar work - although it's not always friendly.
worst job -in an office with bitchy woman -best job -working on the farm with animals and fresh air!
rural postie
My job (without a doubt)!
As a youngster I worked in a office. I could not understand the nastiness of the women. I was out of there PDQ. Went into engineering and loved every minute of it. I took early retirement (reluctantly) to care for Mic.
Waitrose (John Lewis) are supposed to be good to their staff, partly because they are offered the option the be share-holders afaik. Marks and Sparks used to be kind to their staff, but I've been told that's all gone t!ts up.
Surely any answer to this is pretty subjective. what sort of work some enjoy other would hate.

I enjoy most aspects of my job but that's because I have a genuine interest in computers and how systems work, other people would find it a nightmare.
I had a job a few years ago delivering "lost luggage" to airline passengers.
Cr*p pay but really enjoyable and satisfying. Covered a lot of miles but the gratitude when passengers got their belongings back that they thought had gone forever was priceless. We delivered luggage for passengers who were involved in the Hurricane Katrina disaster in 2005. Delivered cases wrapped in cling film, they were so wet. Big smiles all round though when they were reunited

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