A big chunk of the student loan (25%) is means tested. A 19 year old family friend has been abandoned by his separated parents and he lives with his sister. He needs full funding to take up his place...
Dear All, About three years ago I did an AS level in German and got a B, but never completed the A2 year. I have since gone onto university and I am wondering if I am able to take the A2 year after...
Hi, i'm about to take my final first year (AS level) exam and i'm beginning to think about doing a BTEC next year and keeping an A-level. The primary motive behind this is that no matter how much I...
I am a Student of Molecular Biology. I wish to extract total genomic DNA from bacteria, i have researched in text books and articles but there is no direct protocal strictly for Total genomic DNA....
I have had to take my 12 1/2 year old son out of the local (dreadful) secondary school due to persistent bullying - there is no other school suitable in our LEA. At his primary school, he was assessed...
I'm currently studying for a BA (QTS) Early Years Education degree; if in the future I wanted to teach in other countries, maybe America or New Zealand, what training or courses would I be required to...
Hi All, hope you are well. At school and college i got a D both times in maths. I'm from hampshire and was wondering if there was anywhere I can just take the exam and if i pass it, get the C grade on...
how the activities and experiences for children and babies and children under 3 years relates to formal curriculum frmeworks and frameworks for babies and young children in your home country
does anyone know any good online learning sites that i can use with my daughter. she is 5 and although very smart she sometimes lacks concentration and im tryint to find fun ways to make her remember...
............... teach English Language as a subject? I've noticed more and more recently that people don't seem to know the difference between: Your - belonging to you You're - you are Is there a...
Want to do a floating and sinking activity with a group of reception children and was wondering if anyone has any ideas for things that won't behave as the children might expect, eg something heavy...
I'm planning on doing research into effective ways to improve behavioural standards in schools and would like some feed back. In this day and age there is very little that a teacher can do to deter...
my friend wants to visit relatives in greece to find out what it is like to live and work there..she is planning to stay with them for a few months, but as her sons school has refused the time off,...