You should bite the bullet Lil O�Lady and agree that educational techniques employed in the other countries that you mention are better than those employed here.
The issue that started this off (�should of�) is not, as squarebear suggests, an example of language evolving. It is simply grammatically incorrect. It is similar to discovering that some children believe that two times two equals five and allowing that belief to go unchallenged for fear of upsetting them.
State education in this country is a disaster, a shambles, a disgrace, an outrage, even a tragedy. The victims are the children who are being let down, those parents who want their children to receive a decent education, the taxpayer who is being ripped off and those who have to make sacrifices to pay for both state and private education in order to ensure their children receive the best possible start.
Classes are not overcrowded. The government says they are not and for once I believe them. I was taught in classes of 35 to 40 � numbers which would produce gasps of horror today - and received a far better education than is provided today. Bad parenting such as you mention is prevalent in many areas, but that does not excuse bad teaching.
Children beginning school now will be forced to attend until they are 18. At present large numbers attend only intermittently once they reach about twelve. A far more effective measure would be to establish which parents actually want their children to receive a strong, disciplined education. Those parents will be expected to support their offspring and the schools to achieve that aim. Those who are not prepared to make such an undertaking should see their children forced to attend �attendance centres� where they will simply be held securely for the duration of the school day. That way educational resources can be directed towards those who are prepared to respond to them.