I have recently left a job due to illness and have had my sick pay deducted from my final salary. The sick pay I was receiving was more than SSP but this was agreed in my contract and full pay was paid for up to 6 months. The question is, can sick pay be recovered from salary ?? I am aware that an employer can recover SSP from HMRC but surely not from an individual employee. Any help will be very helpful.
Sick pay paid over and above the statutory sick pay is a matter of contract between you and your employer. You need to check your contract of employment to see if their are conditions attached over the way its paid and if it can be recovered from you.
Sounds dodgy to me, but do as Richard suggests.
I've never come across a contract that says words to the effect that: 'sickness pay will be provided for x months at full pay but if you are unable to return to work before terminating your contract, any sick pay already paid to you will be forfeited'. Because that is what you are implying has happened.