Could you update the 'most popular threads' link on the home page a little more often please? I have nothing to do at work (ever) and AB is one of my fave sites to waste time on but that only seems to change about once every fortnight.
Milly143. How come you have nothing to do at work (ever)? Are there any vacancies? After just leaving a job which in which I worked 100% flat out all day, I could just do with one where I could be on AB and read!
FP - I have many minions to do my work for me. Actually that's total rubbish, I just don't have any work at this time of year. I'll gladly give you my job, as long as someone will give me a job where Im not doing sweet f.a. all day.
Hi, Milly143. I thought you were applying for a new job? You did offer me yours. Is it in London I wonder. I can't help being nosey about the type of establishment that gives no work ever! I have a crap CV, no references and am somewhat older than is usually wanted. Sounds as if I might have a chance.
flaming - i sent my CV off to a few places but my boss has asked me to hang around till summer, new things will be coming my way apparantly (oh, its an internet company by the way, but im not telling which one). anyone is welcome to apply for my job although to be honest, i think a dog with lepracy could get a job here! ;-)