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Short time

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granny grump | 19:50 Mon 28th Nov 2011 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
If an employer puts his staff on short time - a two and a half day week - are they able to claim any kind of benefit?


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They should get a guarantee payments for the first 11 days that they are laid off or on short time. After that if they have paid sufficient NI contributions they could claim Job Seekers for the days they are not working as long as they are available for work and looking for work on those days. DWP systems don't like this however so its a pain. After that its means tested benefits such as tax credits and housing/council tax benefits. These will depend on lost of other factors. Any that have been employed for more than 2 years might want to looking to claiming that in fact they have been made redundant. Not straightforward and they will require detailed advice to do this. Your local CAB should have the info you need.
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thank you Richard1966
If unpaid lay-offs aren't written into the employees' contracts, they should still receive full pay, unless they voluntarily agree to accept less:

Some benefits (e.g. JSA) aren't payable to those who work more than 16 hours per week but Council Tax Benefit is available to many people with a low income:

Working Tax Credit might also be payable:

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Thank you Buenchico

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