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Shortlisting for interview

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peterbaz | 18:12 Mon 25th Jun 2012 | Jobs & Education
36 Answers
hello does anyone out there know if you have any right of appeal against an employer not shortlisting you for interview when you feel you meet the criteria


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Wouldn't have thought so - you're just (on paper) not what they are looking for.
if 1000 people apply for the job, there is a good chance that over 50% will fit the criteria, unfortunately there is only one job, this is how employment is at the moment sadly.
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Hiya, they were asking for a Degree in Business and 2 years experience in Management. I have the Degree and 7 years experience in Project Management
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the position is for a Register of Lecturers at the college
Is it an internal vacancy? If so, you might have an idea who is being interviewed. If not, it is highly unlikely - jobs aren't so easy to come by nowadays, and if you have no idea of how many applicants there were and their suitability for the job, then you can't say that you were the best qualified. The potential employer has to sift through possibly loads of CVs from people who all think they're best qualified and they have to pick out the applications that look best to them. It's the luck of the draw, really.
but everyone who applied might have had those qualifications. If they drew up a shortlist, it would have had to rely on rejection on other grounds. So I guess the answer is No.
Phone up and politely ask for feedback then. I think the only time you can be guaranteed an interview is if you fully meet the criteria and are registered disabled.
If you didn't satisfy all of the points on the Job Spec then I am afraid they will not shortlist you for interview.
Problem is there might be people out there with a first degree and ten years experience. There are so many applications for jobs now it's ridiculous. I had to help my manager shortlist for a medical secretary post and there were well over a hundred applicants. Most didn't actually reach the criterior though.
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I asked for feedback and they said that I wasnt shortlisted because I didnt show that I have management experience
You may have experience of project management but maybe ou do not have enough experience of managing people.
I've had to sift through mounds of CVs for one job. Unfortunately it is quite possible that suitable people were not interviewed for a number of reasons. Even if some of them were highly suitable in fact, their applications didn't show them to be the best of the bunch. I'm afraid that's the way it is. Harsh, but true.
project management is not necessarily the same as management, i know because i have done both.
Managment experience is a broad term, it can mean anything from people to budgets, and generally the higher up you go the more broad the term gets as senior management obviously have to manage several different things.
Perhaps their view of your 7 years PM experience would mean you have firm ideas of how PM should be conducted. The interviewers may want a more inexperienced person who would be open to learning their methods and style, not challenge their techniques and share the wisdom of their seven years experience.
It is not enough to say you have the experience. You must give an example/show how you managed.
There is no right of appeal in a case like this , they will offer it to whoever they want.
After submitting your CV they may have contacted your references and received bad reports either to your character or work ethic and capability. Thats why it always pays to leave on good terms from your previous employer.
Some reports are deliberately false if you still happen to be employed by a company and don't want to lose you.
"...the position is for a Register of Lecturers at the college"

Do you mean Registrar?

If so, I'm not surprised you didn't get shortlisted.
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I did break down the experience I have and that I manged staff, but I didnt say how long I had managed staff, I though mentioning it on the first paragraph would suffice.... I take your point about Project management, its at a higher level....

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