GCSE maths in The AnswerBank: Science
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GCSE maths

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V1 | 14:40 Sun 11th Nov 2012 | Science
16 Answers
GCSE Maths homework
Can anyone help with my GCSE maths homework? In the topic of powers and indices, the question is 'Evaluate 5' (for 1 mark).
The next question on the sheet is 'Evaluate 4 to the power of minus 2' which is 1/16 so the first question should be fairly straightforward as well.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Does it just say 5? If the answer has to be with a power/index then any number stays the same if raised to the power of 1 so
5=5 to the power of 1
If that's what you mean.
14:42 Sun 11th Nov 2012
5. 5 to the power of 2 =25. to the power of 3, 125
evaluate 5 ... to what? there seems to be something missing after the "5"??

Is it 5^1 - that would be 5
Does it just say 5? If the answer has to be with a power/index then any number stays the same if raised to the power of 1 so
5=5 to the power of 1
If that's what you mean.
You really ought to do your own homework. If you don't understand the question, ask your teacher for clarification.
"Evaluate 5" - the literal answer is 5, but it seems more likely that there's something missing from the question.
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I think the answer must be 5 to the power of 1. That makes sense if there's nothing missing.

Thank you!!
Yes 5 =5¹, although Evaluate doesn't seem the right word for the question.
Is there nothing else in the question?
4^-2 = sqrt(4) = 2
No- - you are think of 4^½ which = square root of 4
4^-2 = 1 / 4^2 = 1/16
The OP already had that Ellipsis. - I was correcting KerrAvon's answer not the OP's
I was also correcting KerrAvon, showing the working ...
Thanks, sorry- maybe I'm feeling a bit sensitive today!
yes sorry I was thinking for 4^0.5 doh!
I hadn't even seen your answer factor30 ... one of those started to type, did something else, then finished the post moments ... :)

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